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Equivalents and analogues of aluminum alloys

When one begins to investigate "equivalent" compositions and standards for alloys, it is necessary to have the original designation as precise as possible. Assuming that 380 means UNS A03800 (380.0 according to ASTM B 85), then the equivalent grades are as follows:
EN AC-46500 according to EN 1706 (also called EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)(Zn)
AlSi8Cu3Fe according to ISO 3522
ADC10Z according to JIS H 5302
EN 1706 replaces the various national standards from Europe.
Many companies still reference these standards, so here are some of the obsolete ones as well:
LM24 according to BS1490
A-S9U3Z according to NF
AlSi9Cu3 according to DIN 1725
Also note that EN 1706 has two grades very similar to EN AC-46500 that are cast in higher tonnage in Europe: EN AC-46000 [Al Si9Cu3(Fe)] and EN AC-46200 [AlSi8Cu3]. The most significant difference is that both of these grades allow a maximum of 1.2% Zn instead of 3.0%. There are other differences in the allowable content of Si, Fe, Mn, etc.
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